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Did you stay in Italy because of Covid?

Letter from Agenzia delle Entrate saying you need to pay Italian tax? A number of our clients have received a letter similar to the one attached from the Agenzia delle Entrate saying that if they stayed in Italy because of COVID then they are Italian Tax Resident and need to pay tax in Italy. This […]

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Inheritance Tax for Italians living in the UK

Overview of UK IHT Inheritance Tax is the tax that has to be paid by the estate of an individual who has died. Their ‘estate’ is defined as their tangible assets – essentially their money, possessions and property. The principle may seem straightforward, but there are lots of complicated rules that make the process complex. […]

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Annual Investment Allowances and Capital Allowances

Writing down and Annual Allowance – The principles In this article, we look at the two ways of writing down your capital expenditure on assets, as part of your Corporation Tax return – either through Annual Investment Allowances or Capital Allowances. Expenses you incur in your business will be one of two types – Revenue […]

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High Potential, Scale UP and General Mobility Visas

UK Innovation Strategy – New Visas announced In the Government’s Innovation Strategy (Published July 2021) the government announced the introduction of three new visas. You can read about these here. The Visas are likely to become valid in Spring 2022. The precise rules for the visas have not yet been defined. However, the Government has […]

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UK Tax Rates & Budget Update

Budget update From a tax perspective, not much new was announced. The main items that are likely to impact our clients are: confirmation of the increase in dividend taxes by 1.25% (See below and our note 8/9/21) confirmation of the 1.25% increase in National Insurance from April 2022 (See our note 8/9/21) extension of Capital […]

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Brexit – Subsidiaries of EU Companies Need an Audit

The rules have changed – subsidiaries of ‘large’ European companies now need an audit Prior to the UK’s departure from the European Union, there was an exemption that allowed UK subsidiaries of EU companies not to perform an annual audit. However, post Brexit, with the UK now outside the EU, this exemption no longer exists. […]

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